Quality assurance

We work closely together with our long-term partner CuBlend to produce high quality blends.

The quality and safety of our food ingredients is an on-going process, that we continuously work with, to maintain the highest professional standards on the market.

We perform a careful selection of the international ingredient manufacturers supplying quality products to our ingredient and spice mixtures.

The selection of the producers is done, among other things, based on detailed questionnaires on the company's quality assurance (QA) program, and the specific details of the ingredient composition and content of, for example, allergens. This information is compared with the routine auditing of manufacturers' production, to ensure a continuous high quality through close communication and cooperation.

Track & Trace is secured for each product group via batch numbers, with full "backward traceability".

Denico has been awarded with the official Elite-smiley by the Danish Veterenary and Food Administration (DVFA)​

Company info

Denico Food Ingredients

F. L. Smidths Vej 12

​8600 Silkeborg


CVR / VAT no. DK 31620260

Contact info

☎ Phone: +45 86 82 86 22

✉ E-mail: ingredients@denico.dk